Projector Rental FAQ

I need the equipment now, how soon can I get it?

If you are in Oklahoma City Metro you can pick up your projector, we have units ready to go right now, or we can deliver it to you. If you need a projector now (within the next hour or two) please give us a call.

Can you help me set the equipment up?

Sure, we offer delivery and setup anywhere.

Do you rent sound systems too?

We sure do! We have many options, anything from a small group to a huge crowd, just ask.

What types of payment do you accept?

We accept VISA and Mastercard.

What if there are problems with the equipment?

We check everything before it leaves our office and every time we get it back. Before you leave our facility, or when we deliver your unit, we will start it up with you and make sure that it is working correctly. In the unlikely event that there is a problem, when you get the projector on site, we will swap it out for you.

What if I return the projector after the scheduled return?

You will be charged our regular daily rate for each day that you have our equipment beyond the scheduled return date and time.

What if the equipment gets damaged?

While you have it the gear, you are responsible for it. If it is returned damaged we will charge you the full retail value of the damaged equipment.

What is your cancellation policy?

You can cancel your order for a 70% refund until 7 days before your scheduled pickup. All orders are subject to a 30% restocking fee, minimum of $5.00.

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